P&A Legal Blog – FIFPro seeks valid player compensation reforms, but is its focus in the right place?
By Stephen G. Bock, Esq. On January 30, 2015, FIFPro, the worldwide representative organization for all professional soccer players (i.e. soccer players union), suspended negotiations with the European Clubs’ Association (“ECA”) and the European Professional Football...
P&A Tip of the Week
Identity theft is rampant and becoming more pervasive and inventive. Protect the remaining assets of your deceased loved ones by reporting their passing to the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213 and by canceling their driver's license and credit cards. ...
P&A Tip of the Week
Review your current legal commitments to ensure that you are not straying from your obligations. Find the file with that original contract, agreement or other legal document and re-read it. If you have strayed, corrective measures are usually possible and always...
P&A Tip of the Week
Beware of what you put in writing, whether by email, text or letter. An exchange of written communications may result in a legally binding agreement, depending upon on the content. In many states it is not necessary that all terms of an agreement or contract be in...
P&A Tip of the Week
Make a "pros" and "cons" list when making important decisions and give a score to each factor based upon level of importance. The "pros" are the positive results or reasons for making the decision in one direction. The "cons" are the negative or unfavorable results...
P&A Tip of the Week
Tax filing time is fast approaching for businesses and individuals. Now is a good time to start collecting and organizing all your 2012 accounting and financial records and putting them in proper order, if you have not done so already. File folders or large...
P&A Tip of the Week
Organize and make a list of your important legal documents (with passwords and user names, if applicable), then file the list and the documents in a fire proof box or in a safe deposit box. Give a copy of the list to your attorney, accountant or a trusted family...
P&A Tip of the Week
Organize and make a list of your important legal documents (with passwords and user names, if applicable), then file the list and the documents in a fire proof box or in a safe deposit box. Give a copy of the list to your attorney, accountant or a trusted family...
P&A Legal Tip of the week:
You control your signature! Always read, or have someone else you trust read, any business or legal document you are given to sign. Do not sign the document if you do not understand what it says or what impact it will have on you, without taking it to a lawyer to...